Whew, who knew that the beginning part of all this business thing would be so involved! I feel like every day we have a list of a million things we need to do, and only a couple get checked off the list. I mean realistically, most of the things on my "to do" list as wants. I want Rick to build me a new desk, I want him to build me shelving, I want him to cut me this or that to put in my house. You know those wants that really feel like needs! :) He did get my desk sprayed, and put in the office!! YAY! The drawers are still a work in progress, but we are happy to just have the desk so that I have space for the computer, and printer, and camera, and baby monitors and all that stuff that you actually need and use! It looks absolutely beautiful, and I love love love it!
This week he has been busy as ever and put up a peg board in the closet in here so that we could see what we have cut already. Part of the problem we have faced so far has been space! We have really struggled with how to display our cutouts so that we know what we have available, as well as so everything doesn't get ruined. We have had a few casualties along the way, chipped letters, and such from being stacked on the ground, and moved, and stacked and moved. This way is nice and safe, and looks like so much fun!!
With all of our shuffling around here at our house, moving my sisters stuff out, making the spare room an office/craft room, and making the old craft room a play room, we have had a serious need for some new decorating. I had seen these alphabets around the internet, and have always wanted one. I realized the other day that I could make one! I got to work right away designing it exactly how I wanted it to be, and sent it on it's way to the hubsters to be programmed and cut! I have debated on colors to paint it for the last week, and finally yesterday I made the decision, and from there I just wanted to get it done! I absolutely love how it turned out, and I am somewhat giddy about it! I just sprayed it with acrylic and I am so excited to hang it on my kids play room walls!
Along with a desk, and a peg board, talented hubby, build me this awesome shelf in the office to display more stuff on, I am not sure what we will end up putting there long term, but for now, there are lots and lots of adorable arrows!
On top of all this, I have been shocked with all the little things that I need to do to stay organized, and make this all legal. Business licenses, state tax id, federal tax ID, inventory lists, sizes, and weights, and packaged dimensions, shipping supplies, router bits, wood, business cards, logos, seriously I could go on and on. Luckily we are getting to the latter end of most of this and I am so excited to officially open shop!